
You can use the umask utility to display, set, or change the current or default value of the umask.

Display the current value of the umask

To display the current value of the umask in symbolic mode, use:

% umask -S

To display the current value of the umask in octal mode, use:

% umask

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Update: Synopsys Computer Platforms

Foundation ROs Linux O/S Versions Windows Platform
V 2024.03 CentOS: 7.3+ RHEL: 7.3+; 8+ SLES: 12-SP5+; 15-SP2+ Rocky Linux: 8.4+ AlmaLinux: 8.4+ Windows: 10; 11 Windows Server: 2016; 2019; 2022
U 2023.06 CentOS: 7.3+ RHEL: 7.3+; 8+ SLES: 12-SP4+; 15+ Rocky Linux: 8.4+ AlmaLinux: 8.4+ Windows: 10; 11 Windows Server: 2016; 2019; 2022
T 2022.09 CentOS: 7.3+ RHEL: 7.3+; 8+ SLES: 12-SP4+; 15+ Windows 10 Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2019
S 2021.12 CentOS: 7.3+; 8+ RHEL: 7.3+; 8+ SLES: 12-SP4+; 15+ Windows 10 Windows Server 2016
R 2021.03 RHEL 6.6+, 7.x, 8+ CentOS 6.6+, 7.1.1503+, 8+ SLES 12+, 15+ Windows 7, 10 Windows Server 2016
Q 2020.06 RHEL 6.6+, 7.x, 8+ CentOS 6.6+, 7.1.1503+, 8+ SLES 12+, 15+ Windows 7, 10 Windows Server 2008 R2, 2016
P 2019.09 RHEL 6.6+, 7.x CentOS 6.6+, 7.x SLES 11.4+ and 12.x Windows 7, 10 Windows Server 2008 R2, 2016
O 2018.12 RHEL 6.6+, 7.x CentOS 6.6+, 7.x SLES 11.4 and 12.x Windows 7, 10 Windows Server 2008 R2, 2016
N 2018.03 RHEL 6.6+, 7.x SLES 11.x and 12.x Windows 7, 8, 10
M 2017.06 RHEL 6.6+, 7.x SLES 11.x and 12.x Windows 7, 8, 10

Synopsys Synchronized Release Model (SRM)

The Synopsys Synchronized Release Model is a schedule-driven release model.

  • Releases are at fixed-dates known as Release Opportunities (RO)
  • There are four ROs/year for Feature Releases
  • There are eight ROs/year for Service Pack Releases
  • Individual products define their release frequency
  • All product releases are developed and tested on a defined set of common platform configuration and common code baseline – referred to as Foundation.

A Foundation can change every 9 months. Operating System changes are typically scheduled every 36 months to keep up with market demand and vendor releases. Synopsys typically builds on a single operating system baseline version for each SRM Foundation.

Chop and Chomp

Perl Functions of chop() and chomp()

chop($abc); deletes the last character of $abc.
chomp($xyz); deletes the “new line” character at the end of $xyz if it has.

Often the usage of chomp is like this:
chomp($input = <STDIN>); which equals to $input = <STDIN>; chomp($input);

Calibre Platform Support Overview and Roadmap - Updated 2022.1

Updated: 24 Jan 2022

Linux Operating System Support

The Calibre toolset is supported for use with the Linux® operating system systems supplied by Red Hat, CentOS, and SUSE. In general, any “Tier 1” 64-bit x86 hardware supported by those providers is supported for use with the Calibre toolset. There are two x86-64 processor products supplied by different vendors, AMD and Intel, and the Calibre toolset is supported on computers based on either of these processors. The correct software must be loaded on a particular hardware platform to use Calibre, and the supported OS versions, service packs or updates are listed below. Linux IBM Power and ARM distributions are not supported by Calibre.

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Vim: Open Files

:e filename Opens the file in the vim editor.
:new filename Opens the file in horizontal split mode.
:vert new filename Opens the file in vertical split mode.
:tabnew filename Opens the file in a new tab.


Groups a set of paths for cost function calculations.


   -weight weight_value
          Specifies   a   cost   function  weight  for  this  group.   The
          weight_value must be  a  number  between  0.0  and  100.0.   The
          default  is  1.0.   A weight of 0.0 eliminates the paths in this
          group from cost function calculations.  Do not  use  very  small
          values (for example, 0.0001); smaller values can prevent compile
          from implementing small improvements  to  the  design.   If  you
          specify  -weight  when you add members to an existing group, the
          new weight for the group is used.

   -critical_range range_value
          Specifies a margin of delay for group_name during  optimization.
          The  range_value must be positive or 0.0.  If you do not specify
          a range_value for a group, the default is the value set with the
          set_critical_range  command  (the  default  setting  is 0.0).  A
          range_value of 0.0 means that only the most critical paths  (the
          ones  with the worst violation) are optimized.  If you specify a
          nonzero range_value, other near-critical  violating  paths  (one
          per  endpoint)  within  that  amount  of the worst path are also
          optimized if possible.  If more than one  critical  path  to  an
          endpoint  must  be  optimized, use a separate group_path command
          for each distinct critical path to that endpoint.  To force com-
          pile   to  optimize  all  violating  paths,  use  a  very  large
          range_value (larger than any expected path violations).

          Specifies that endpoints or paths be moved to the default  group
          and  removed  from the current group.  You must specify -default
          unless you use -name; -name and -default are mutually exclusive.

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Verdi Configuration File novas.rc

When Novas Verdi is invoked, the Rule Configuration file novas.rc is automatically loaded which sets the appearance and preference of Verdi application.

You may optionally place novas.rc at several locations, and the searching order of them are -

  1. Command-line: -rcFile <novas.rc>
  2. System variable: $NOVAS_RC
  3. ./novas.rc
  4. ~/novas.rc
  5. $VERDI_HOME/etc/novas.rc

Automount NFS Share in Linux Using Autofs

Autofs is a service in Linux like operating system which automatically mounts the file system and remote shares when it is accessed. Main advantage of autofs is that you don’t need to mount file system at all time, file system is only mounted when it is in demand.

Autofs service reads two files Master map file ( /etc/auto.master ) and a map file like /etc/auto.misc or /etc/auto.xxxx.

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