What Is Entropy?

Entropy is a scientific concept as well as a measurable physical property that is most commonly associated with a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty. The term and the concept are used in diverse fields, from classical thermodynamics, where it was first recognized, to the microscopic description of nature in statistical physics, and to the principles of information theory. It has found far-ranging applications in chemistry and physics, in biological systems and their relation to life, in cosmology, economics, sociology, weather science, climate change, and information systems including the transmission of information in telecommunication.

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Greek Alphabet Letters

1 2 3 4 5 6
α Α alpha β Β beta γ Γ gamma δ Δ delta ε Ε epsilon ζ Ζ zeta
η Η eta θ Θ theta ι Ι iota κ Κ kappa λ Λ lambda μ Μ mu
ν Ν nu ξ Ξ xi ο Ο omicron π Π pi ρ Ρ rho σ Σ sigma
τ Τ tau υ Υ upsilon φ Φ phi χ Χ chi ψ Ψ psi ω Ω omega

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Get Synopsys Newer Than 2018 to Properly Work

It looks like there are still users who do not manage to get the most recent syn@psys tools (version newer than 2018.12) to properly work even after the great realease of the proper patcher which you can find in here bbs.eetop.cn/thread-879031-1-1.html. As a matter of fact, as explained in the “readme.txt” file found in the pubkey1.6 package, everything should go fairly smoothly by following the instructions but … apparently not all the steps are included in the operation list ! Therefore, as done in the past for other tools, I decided to create a tutorial to succesfully apply the patch and create the license to finally clarify the complete procedure. The first 6 steps from the “readme.txt” are indeed correct:

1. Patch files on Linux. Goto your product directory (eg syn_vP-20yy.mm), run pubkey_verify -y
- (where yy.mm indicates the year and the month, eg 20.12)

2. Patch files’ checksum on Linux. Goto your product directory (e.g. syn_vP-20yy.mm), run synopsys_checksum -y
- (where yy.mm indicates the year and the month, eg 20.12)

3. Repeat 1, 2 with all your $ynopsys on Linux, including the daemon scl_v2018.06 (or higher).

4. Generate license file(Synopsys.dat) with scl_keygen.exe on Windows.
- on first run this will generate the settings.ini file which you can edit to specify hostid and expiration date for the SSS feature
- and the Synopsys.src file which includes the tools version (e.g., 2108.12) and the expiration date (31-dec-2020) on the INCREMENT lines and you have to modify those to match your tools and to set the desired expiration date (e.g., INCREMENT FEATURE_NAME snpslmd 2030.12 31-dec-2030 …)
- remember to add the full path for the daemon line as: DAEMON snpslmd /snplmd

5. Drap & drop the generated Synopsys.dat to fix.bat on Windows. This will add dummy SIGN= to the license file.

6. Copy the license file to you Linux box, and start the license daemon.
- E.g. lmgrd -c /license.dat

7. At this point the following unexpected message from the daemon may appear, which will make your license file useless !!!

(snpslmd) checking the integrity of the license file ...
(snpslmd) The SSS features are garbled.
(snpslmd) All revenue keys ("SN=RK:... " on feature line) have been excluded

8. Luckily there is an easy solution: just reread the license with lmreread, e.g. lmreread -c <path_to_license_file>/license.dat and all the features will be re-enable and you will be all set !

Emacs Verilog-Mode


Verilog-mode.el is the extremely popular free Verilog mode for Emacs which provides context-sensitive highlighting, auto indenting, and provides macro expansion capabilities to greatly reduce Verilog coding time. It supports AUTOs and indentation in Emacs for traditional Verilog (1394-2005), the Open Verification Methodology (OVM) and SystemVerilog (1800-2005/1800-2009).

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