Calibre Platform Support - 2022

Platform Identifiers for Calibre Install Files and Runtime Directories

Calibre provides different executables that are optimized for different Linux distributions, and each has its own platform identifier. The platform identifier is sometimes referred to as a VCO, which refers to a Vendor-CPU-OS combination. The platform identifier is first used to identify which install files should be downloaded. After installation the platform identifier and release version number are used to identify the Calibre runtime directory, generally referred to as a MGC_HOME tree. Each Calibre MGC_HOME tree can only be used with specific OS versions and must run on hardware that supports the minimum CPU instruction set identified for that MGC_HOME tree. Note that when using Calibre with distributed processing, the MGC_HOME trees on the master host and all remote hosts must all have the same platform identifier.

  • AOJ and AOK MGC_HOME trees as well as all MGC_HOME trees starting with Calibre 2024.3 require the AVX2 minimum CPU instruction set.
  • Important Note: The RSH utility is not provided with RHEL 8. Customers currently using the RSH utility for Cali­bre distributed processing will need to switch to a different utility, such as SSH, before they can use the Calibre AOK MGC_HOME software on RHEL 8.

Calibre Support Overview

Calibre Support Overview Forecast, 2022-2024

  • Calibre releases running on RHEL 8 require an AOK MGC_HOME tree and support for the AVX2 CPU instruction set.
  • Calibre releases running on SLES 15 require support for the AVX2 CPU instruction set.
  • Calibre releases 2020.1 through 2024.2 running on RHEL/CentOS 6, RHEL/CentOS 7, SLES 11, and SLES 12 are supported with AOI and AOJ MGC_HOME trees.
  • Calibre releases 2024.3 and later running on RHEL/CentOS 7 or SLES 12 require an AOJ MGC_HOME tree and support for the AVX2 CPU instruction set.
  • Please see Table 1, Calibre Platform Identifiers, for full details on which platform identifiers that can be used with each OS version.
  • RHEL/CentOS 6.10 is last minor release for RHEL/CentOS 6. RHEL/CentOS 7.9 is the last minor release for RHEL/CentOS 7.

Calibre Support Summary for Linux x86-64

  • All 2018-2020 Calibre releases are supported with AOI and AOJ MGC_HOME trees.
  • All 2021 Calibre releases are supported with AOI, AOJ, and AOK MGC_HOME trees.
  • Please see Table 1, Calibre Platform Identifiers, for full details on each platform identifier.

Calibre Patch Summary

Calibre release Patch version Patch date
2018.1 2018.1_71 (P40) 13 Jul 2021
2018.2 2018.2_75 (P32) 10 Oct 2020
2018.3 Omitted, see below N.A.
2018.4 2018.4_66 (P33) 19 Mar 2021
2019.1 2019.1_77 (P34) 4 Aug 2021
2019.2 2019.2_55 (P19) 31 Dec 2020
2019.3 2019.3_70 (P35) 10 Feb 2021
2019.4 2019.4_58 (P24) 31 Aug 2021
2020.1 2020.1_51 (P16) 10 Dec 2020
2020.2 2020.2_59 (P28) 2 Jun 2021
2020.3 2020.3_53 (P18) 1 Oct 2021
2020.4 2020.4_41 (P8) 17 Aug 2021
2021.1 2021.1_50 (P18) 8 Oct 2021
2021.2 2021.2_45 (P10) 7 Oct 2021
2021.3 2021.3_39 (P8) 7 Oct 2021
2021.4 2021.4_17 (QR) 13 Oct 2021
  • Calibre 2018.3 was omitted when the Calibre release schedule was aligned with the Siemens fiscal year calendar.

Updated 13 Oct 2021
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